Get started with Vulmix


The easiest way to get started with Vulmix is by running:

npx create-vulmix-app your-app-name

Once the install is complete, get into your project folder and install Vulmix dependencies:

cd your-app-name
# With NPMnpm install# Or with Yarnyarn install

Running the project

Run the project locally by cding into the project directory and then running the dev command:

# With NPMnpm run dev# Or with Yarnyarn dev

This should serve your project on localhost:3000 with Hot Module Replacement enabled.

Preparing for production

To compile an optimized build, you need to run the following command:

# With NPMnpm run prod# Or with Yarnyarn prod

This will minify and optimize your project code in the _dist folder which you can deploy its contents on any static host.

If you are hosting your project on Vercel, it will automatically generate a production build.

Testing your production build locally

If you want to test your project after running the prod command, you can run the serve command to raise a server on the 8000 port:

# With NPMnpm run serve# Or with Yarnyarn serve

Then you can open you project at localhost:8000.

Your assets will be served with Gzip compression.